This is online E log book to discuss our patient’s de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian’s signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient’s problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome .
I’ve been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of “patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations, and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.
Reg no : 1701006054
A 70 year old male complaints of weakness in his right upper and lower limbs admitted on 6th June
Chief complaints
Patient complaints of ;
Weakness of right upper and lower limbs
Slurring of speech
History of presenting illness:
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4 days back
Then he suddenly developed weakness in his right upper limb while eat
Then weakness in his right lower limb
Then deviation of his angle of mouth to left side
Then slurring of speech developed
Past history ;
The patient was leading a peaceful life with his wife. He would wake up every day at about 6am, freshen up, have breakfast and do his daily chores like grazing the cattle till the afternoon. He would then have lunch and take a nap till evening. He then hung out with the neighbours, had dinner and rested for the day. This was his routine for the past 8 years
1st episode: Patient had been asymptomatic until 3 years ago when he suddenly acquired weakness in his right upper and lower limbs, with no slurring of speech. After being treated, he was able to recover.
2nd episode: He suffered a second episode of abrupt onset weakening of the right upper and lower limbs a year ago, which was accompanied by drooping of the mouth and saliva dribbling. He was treated for it again and fully healed.

not a known case of diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, or TB. diagnosed with hypertension 10 months ago and has been using atenolol 25mg since.
Personal history;
Diet : stopped non-veg 5 years back
Appetite: normal
Sleep: adequate
Bowel and bladder : normal
Addictions: occasional alcohol
No allergies
Family history:
General examination
Patient is conscious cooperative
Well oriented to time but not place and person
Moderately built and nourished
No pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy, edema
Temp: afebrile
BP:140/80 mm of hg
Respiratory rate:16bpm
Pulse rate: 70bpm
Spo2 :98%
Systemic examination ;
CVS: s1 s2 heard
No murmurs
Respiratory system; normal vesicular breath sounds are heard
Abdomen: soft non tender no organomegly
Higher functions:
Right handed
Oriented to time not place and person
Memory: recent- present
Immediate: present
Remote: absent
Not spontaneous
comprehension- present
Naming- absent
Repition- absent
Disarticulation of speech - present
No delusions or hallucinations
Cranial nerve examination:
I- Olfactory nerve- sense of smell present
II- Optic nerve- direct and indirect light reflex present
III- Oculomotor nerve, IV- Trochlear and VI- Abducens- no diplopia, nystagmus or ptosis
V- Trigeminal nerve- Masseter, temporalis and pterygoid muscles are normal. Corneal reflex is present.
VII- Facial nerve- face is symmetrical, unable to do forehead wrinkling, left nasolabial fold prominent than right.
VIII- Vestibulocochlear nerve- no hearing loss
IX- Glossopharyngeal nerve. X- Vagus- uvula not visualised
XI- Accessory nerve- sternocleidomastoid contraction present
XII- Hypoglossal nerve- Movements of tongue are normal, no fasciculations, no deviation of tongue
Spinomotor system:
Right Left
BULK: U/L- arm 24.5 cm 26 cm
-forearm 18 cm 18 cm
L/L- thigh 44 cm 44 cm
- leg 28 cm 28 cm
TONE: U/L decreased normal
L/L decreased normal
4c) Sensory system examination:
Right Left
- crude touch present present
- fine touch absent present
- pain absent present
- vibration absent present
- temperature absent present
- stereognosis- absent present
- 2 pt discrimination- absent present
- graphaesthesia- absent present
Right Left
POWER: U/L- hand 0/5 5/5
- elbow 0/5 4/5
- shoulder 0/5 5/5
L/L- hip 0/5 4/5
- knee 0/5 5/5
- ankle 0/5 4/5
Right Left
REFLEXES: Biceps +++ ++
Triceps +++ ++
Supinator +++ ++
Knee +++ ++
Ankle +++ ++
Plantar extension neutral
- Hemoglobin- 12.6 gm/dl (N)
- PCV- 35.2 % (N)
- TLC- 8600/ cumm (N)
- RBC- 4.33 million/cumm (N)
- Platelets- 2.58 lakhs/ml (N)
Blood urea- 24 mg/dl (N)
Serum creatinine- 1.3 mg/dl (N)
Serum sodium- 136 mEq/L (N)
Serum potassium- 3.7 mmol/l (N)
Serum chloride- 104 mEq/L (N)
Total bilirubin- 0.61 mg/dl (N)
Direct bilirubin- 0.16 mg/dl (N)
SGPT- 11 (N)
SGOT- 13 (N)
ALP- 105 IU/L (N)
Albumin- 4 g/dl (N)
Acute ischemic stroke causing right sided hemiplegia (left MCA territory)
Recurrent CVA
Tab. Ecosporine 150mg
Tab. Clopidogrel 75 mg
Tab. Atorvas 40mg
Tab. Atenolol 25mg
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