30 year old female with involuntary movements

This is online E log book to discuss our patient’s de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian’s signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient’s problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome .

I’ve been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of “patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations, and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.

Chief complaints : 

A 30 year old female with c/o involuntary movements (jerky movements) in b/l upper limbs since 2 days  

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 days back then she developed involuntary movements of upper limbs not associated with loss of consciousness
no tongue biting, no involuntary micturition during episodes 
Each episode lasting for 3-4 sec 
Day -1(11-10-2022)- 1 episode 
Day -2(12-10-2022)- 2 episodes 
Day -3(13-10-2022)- 6-8 episodes 

Past history;
Not a k/c/o DM, asthma, epilepsy, CAD, CVA 
K/c/o HTN 11years back during her 1st pregnancy used medication for 6 months and then stopped 

No significant family history 

Personal history; 
Appetite : normal 
Diet : mixed 
Bowel and bladder habits : regular 
Habits : none 
Allergies: none 

General examination ;
Patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative 
Well oriented to time , place and person 
No pallor, icterus, cyanosis, Clubbing, lymphadenopathy, edema 
Temperature; 98.6•f 
BP; 140/90mm of Hg
PR; 105bpm


Systemic examination:
CVS: s1,s2 heard 
        No murmurs 
RS; B/L normal vesicular breath sounds heard 
Per Abdomen; soft , non tender 
           Bowel sounds present 

Higher functions:
Right handed 
Oriented to time ,place and person 
Memory: recent- present 
              Immediate: present 
              Remote: present 
No delusions or hallucinations 

Cranial nerve examination:
I- Olfactory nerve-  sense of smell present 
II- Optic nerve- direct and indirect light reflex present
III- Oculomotor nerve, IV- Trochlear and VI- Abducens- no diplopia, nystagmus or ptosis
V- Trigeminal nerve- Masseter, temporalis and pterygoid muscles are normal. Corneal reflex is present.
VII- Facial nerve- face is symmetrical, able to do forehead wrinkling 
VIII- Vestibulocochlear nerve- no hearing loss
IX- Glossopharyngeal nerve. X- Vagus- uvula not visualised
XI- Accessory nerve- sternocleidomastoid contraction present
XII- Hypoglossal nerve- Movements of tongue are normal, no fasciculations, no deviation of tongue


                                Right                        Left 

Bulk:  U/L  
                   arm :  normal                 Normal 
            Forearm: normal                 Normal 
                 thigh: normal                  Normal 
                   Leg: normal                Normal 

Tone:        U/L:   Normal               Normal 
                  L/L:   Normal               Normal 

                Hand :    5/5                     5/5 
               Elbow:    5/5                     5/5
          Shoulder :   5/5                     5/5
                 Ankle:   5/5                     5/5 
                 Knee:    5/5                     5/5
                   Hip:     5/5                     5/5 

          Biceps:        +                             +
          Triceps:        +                            +
         Supinator:     +                             +
         Knee:             +                             +
         Ankle:           +                              +
         Plantar:    Flexion                  Flexion


Sensory system ; 
         crude touch :       present              present
          fine touch  :        Present              present             

             pain         :       Present               present

            vibration :        Present              present

        temperature :       Present             present 

       stereognosis:      Present              present

2 pt discrimination:   present               present

    graphaesthesia:    Present              present 

Coordination; present 

Gait: normal 


        On 13-10-2022

        On 14-10-2022


Serum calcium:


Serum creatinine: 

Serum electrolytes: 

Serum magnesium 

Serum urea: 

Serology ; negative 




Chest X -ray : 

Provisional diagnosis:
?myoclonal jerks 
? Focal seizures 


1) Inj sodium valproate  2gm in 100ml NS Iv stat over 20 min 
2) Inj sodium valproate 500mg IV BD 
3) Inj midazolam 2cc IV sos 
4) Inj optineuron 1 amp in 100ml NS Iv OD 
5) Inj PAN 40mg IV OD BBF
6) Tab Dolo 650mg po sos 



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